National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology


Launched in 2013 by the Scottish Industrial Biotechnology Development Group, The National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology aims to transform the competitiveness and sustainability of multiple industries in Scotland.

Scotland’s national strategy aims to:

  • Grow industrial biotechnology related turnover to £900m by 2025
  • Increase the number of IB-using companies to 200.

Key achievements – six years on

Much has been achieved particularly around the impact of Industrial Biotechnology (IB) in growing the Scottish economy, including:

  • An increase in turnover of £168m from 2012 to 2017, from £189m in 2012 to £357m in 2017
  • Number of companies increased by over 100% from 43 in 2012 to 111m in 2017
  • Over 170 additional jobs have been created
  • £50m haas been invested in innovation in IB and over £25m of private investment has been raised
  • Bioresource Mapping Tool launched
  • Over 90 MScs and 50 PhDs have been awarded through the IBioIC’s programmes
  • IBioIC conference established and is the largest in IB in the UK

Find out more about our  National Plan for IB 2019 – Driving Progress to 2025.


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