Digital Health

As health services across the world face increasing demands on the system due to an ageing population and the long term conditions associated with this, digital health and care interventions are recognised as key to the solution in tackling this crisis. They are not only changing the way we communicate but offer more innovative ways for monitoring our health and wellbeing and provide greater access to personal data for self-management.

Digital Health empowers health professionals to track, manage and improve health outcomes. Furthermore, digital health solutions create tremendous opportunities to reduce inefficiencies in health and care delivery, improve access, reduce costs and make health services more person-centred.


World Leading Digital Healthcare

For ambitious organisations and businesses looking to take a leadership role in digital healthcare innovation, Scotland is well positioned to take advantage of the growing digital health market, with an array of innovative and ambitious companies across the digital health ecosystem. Scotland provides extensive digital health records, a strong company base with expertise in informatics and the drive and determination to rise to the challenges of a rapidly changing global health climate.

Areas of work include:

  • Data-driven solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence in Health
  • Connected Health
  • eHealth


Open-Innovation, Evaluation-Ready

Scotland provides a unique level of collaboration between industry, universities, NHS and Government – critical to developing successful digital healthcare solutions. With over 200 companies already established to provide digital solutions for improved health in Scotland and a rich academic environment connected to our world-renowned National Health Service (NHSScotland) through our aligned Innovation Centres, Scotland can offer a perfect test bed environment for healthcare companies, and access to patients and medical professionals with collaborations and clinical trials managed by NRS Scotland.

Digital health technologies are central to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s agenda for a Digital Scotland, with the Digital Health and Social Care Strategy launched in April 2018 that will use technology to reshape and improve services, support person-centred care, and improve health outcomes across Scotland.


Data-driven solutions and Artificial Intelligence

The high quality, longitudinal health data, the bioinformatics capabilities and an outstanding level of academic and industry collaboration in Scotland create a wealth of opportunities for developing advanced healthcare solutions.  Scotland’s stable population and cradle to grave patient records underpinned by a unique patient identifier assigned to everyone registered with a GP practice, generates an abundant resource key to addressing the increasing health care challenges around the world.

Find out more about the Data and AI environment in Scotland 


Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI)

The Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI) is a purpose-built demonstration environment which allows innovators to quickly demonstrate service model and technical and digital innovation capabilities to support service redesign.

The DHI aims to support transformational collaboration between universities and businesses to enable ‘clinical’ trials in health and care environments. It is currently supporting the Scottish Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and has initiated six new Covid-19 projects to produce high quality products that are being deployed into a live service to support patients and health & social care staff in Scotland and remobilise services.  Other projects and technologies under development through the DHI’s portfolio focus on addressing the key challenges identified by the Scottish Government in health and care including:

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular
  • Chronic respiratory
  • Demand & capacity management
  • Diabetes
  • Mental Health
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