ILG Commitment to Sustainability

Climate change is a global emergency, and the Life Sciences community, an industry dedicated to the maintenance and enhancement of life, is cognisant of the role it has to play.

Life Sciences presents significant opportunities to advance the more sustainable delivery of healthcare. Technology-enabled remote-care delivery, innovative medicines and patient monitoring, for example, can help avoid unnecessary journeys and hospitalisation. Seizing these opportunities, alongside the development of a skilled, flexible, and adaptable workforce, will be central to a successful and just transition to achieve net zero ambitions. Working together, industry and the NHS can make a significant contribution to the sustainability agenda that is so important to all of us.

The Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group (ILG) is fully committed to working with all partners to minimise the environmental impact from the development, manufacture and delivery of healthcare


Sustainability is an area of increasing significance to all our lives and the Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group (ILG), which encompasses Scotland’s pharmaceutical, health technology, aquaculture, animal health and agriculture communities, is committed to working with the NHS to advance the sustainable delivery of healthcare.  

The life sciences industry has a key role to play and the ILG has identified significant opportunities to advance the more sustainable delivery of healthcare. Technology-enabled remote-care delivery, innovative medicines and patient monitoring, are just some examples that can help avoid unnecessary journeys and hospitalisation, whilst supporting a more efficient NHS.

“With the advancement of advanced technology and digital solutions, coupled with renewable energy solutions, the Life Science discovery, development and manufacturing supply chains have a unique opportunity to improve productivity, compliance and carbon footprints. The Life Science Scotland Industry Leadership Group are committed to improving the environmental footprint within the Life Sciences sectors.”

– Industry Chair of the Life Sciences Scotland ILG, Dave Tudor


Find out more about the ILG workstreams including the work of the Sustainable Production Group 

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