Digital Healthcare
Digital Health is a new and fast-growing industry. Digital technology allows for new and innovative ways for society to engage with their health and wellbeing, and fundamentally change the way in which healthcare is delivered and received. The health market has been a relatively late adopter of digital when compared to other sectors and this is due in part due to ‘trust’ from both patients and clinicians.
Scotland’s digital healthcare industry has a worldwide reputation for innovation and investment, with advanced capabilities across all aspects of digital health, pulling expertise from the information technology and computing sector, and our strengths in the creative industries and health technology.
Digital health technologies are also central to the delivery of the Scottish Government’s agenda for a Digital Scotland, with the Digital Health and Social Care Strategy launched in April 2018 that will use technology to reshape and improve services, support person-centred care, and improve health outcomes across Scotland.
Scotland is well positioned to take advantage of the growing digital health market, with an array of innovative and ambitious companies across the digital health ecosystem.
Scotland provides an outstanding level of collaboration between industry, universities, NHS and Government; and create an open-innovation environment for collaboration. With over 200 companies that can provide digital solutions for improved health in Scotland and a rich academic environment connected to our world-renowned National Health Service (NHSScotland) through our aligned Innovation Centres, Scotland can offer a perfect test bed environment for healthcare companies, and access to patients and medical professionals with collaborations and clinical trials managed by NRS Scotland.
Scotland, like all developing nations is experiencing a shift in demographics towards an aging population, and with people living longer and with multiple long terms conditions, this is adding significant burden to an already over stretched service. Thanks to our diverse environment, Scotland as understand the challenges of delivering health and care services across city, rural and remote locations also.
- Scotland’s research and innovation centres in digital health and care are pioneering efforts in telehealth and telecare.
- Scotland has comprehensive medical information and e-health patient records.
- Scotland’s single healthcare provider (NHSScotland) actively engages with industry to develop digital health solutions and offers remote health and care services.
- Scotland has 200 companies with digital products and services to deliver healthcare of the future
- Digital Health and Care Strategy at the heart of service delivery in Scotland
- A perfect test bed environment for healthcare companies, thanks to our diverse urban, rural and remote locations.