MIME Technologies Ltd

Supporting First-Aiders Manage Life-Threatening Medical Events

Our mission is to bring confidence to all those who travel via air or sea across the globe. We address the problem of supporting first responders and casualties, where there is no immediate access to professional medical care. Global aviation and maritime are key markets – where you could be hours away from land or days away from the nearest port. We guide crew to manage an onboard medical emergency, help reduce unnecessary diversions and improve casualty outcomes.

Passenger confidence to travel again will play a critical role during the industry’s recovery from COVID-19. It has never been more important to provide clear guidance and reassurance that every effort is being made to prioritise the health of passengers and employees. Our customers can use our technology to do just that.

Our end users are crew, in aviation and maritime. All crew, whether in the air or at sea, share the same problem – they are people with basic first aid training, called upon to manage life threatening medical events. They are expected to act within the guidelines of their training, on behalf of the airline or shipping company. We have an end to end solution; the kit is used on-scene to support the responder whilst our clinician dashboard can be used by aviation or maritime medical specialists to “review and recommend” in real time, as the medical incident unfolds.

Guiding Crew through Sensor Technology and Data Communication to Medical Professionals

Our product is a carry onboard kit that does not require to be configured to the airframe or vessel. The aviation version has been designed specifically for altitude and tested for airworthiness. Our software and sensor technology in the kit guides the crew with their first aid and communicates on-scene data via wireless vital-signs sensor technology to remote specialist medical providers anywhere in the world using our secure cloud technology. With a built-in chat functionality, crew can seek help without interference from noise and vibration. A 12 lead ECG is gold standard in both industries, to determine high quality information of the heart. We offer this to our customers as an integral part of the technology. Our backgrounds are emergency response so we have built the product to provide support to crew even when there is no connectivity onboard.

Alongside our technology we offer a commitment to our customers. Replenishment and annual servicing, quick and easy training, and customisation if our clients require it. As well as commercial markets, we also target the luxury end of the market, including corporate / business jets and superyachts.

Translating Data Points into Readable Handover Reports

One of our unique aspects of our technology is our AI reporting capacity. Incident reports can be generated for handover to paramedics or for organisation audit, crew training and litigation protection. Our reports are generated using a form of AI called Natural Language Generation, where we take all the data points and physiology readings from the casualty and turn it into a readable English Language report. These can be designed in different forms, for example the one for paramedics is in a format that they are generally used to receiving. This reduces onboard workflows and streamlines reporting. It is particularly useful for litigation protection, giving airlines or maritime companies detailed incident reports.

Global Industry Collaboration

The company has recently been funded by Boeing Horizon X Global Ventures, and built an alliance with Boeing, having recently completed the ATI Boeing Accelerator programme with industry partners including the Aerospace Technology Institute, GKN Aerospace and Rolls Royce. Our airworthiness testing is supported by the Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre (DARTeC) part of Cranfield Aerospace, who have several airline research partners. Our early maritime prototype is being trialed by a Norwegian polar expedition company.

Find out more at MIME Technologies 

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