The Scotsman annual Life Sciences Conference

Date and Time

24th Nov 2022 | 09:30 - 16:45



November 24th, Technology & Innovation Centre (TIC), Glasgow

It is time for Scotland to prepare for a bigger Life Sciences Industry. It is time to build on the growth of the last five years, develop the foundations and raise the ambition for a truly global industry.

Join leaders from industry, government, the NHS and academia to hear where effort will be concentrated in order to grow the industry and see how like-minded business leaders are realising global ambitions for their company.

This is the industry conference of the year and the only one-day event that provides the opportunity to hear:

  • New national initiatives for supporting the industry to grow
  • How NHS Scotland intends to work with industry to drive innovation
  • How small and medium sized enterprises are growing their international footprint

A full day of insights, sharing best practice, educational workshops and networking.

Use the Life Sciences Scotland discount code LSS50 to receive a 50% discount before the end of October

Find out more and register at The Scotsman website

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