Technology Innovations for Healthcare
Date and Time
12th Mar 2020 | 09:00 - 16:30
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 9 Queen Street
Join us to explore how sensing, imaging and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can be used in health & social care in Scotland.
Please join CENSIS and partners Scottish Health Innovations, NHS Forth Valley and the Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI) to explore opportunities and discuss challenges across the NHS in Scotland.
We will look at the ways in which sensing, imaging and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can be used to deliver change and benefits in a range of sectors, including how technology can assist in managing fixed and moveable hospital assets and estates; how it could improve patient safety and care and also how relevant technology can be in diagnostics.
Use the hashtag #TIH2020 to follow the event on Twitter.
This event is free. Refreshments and catering are also provided including morning coffee, lunch and afternoon coffee.
Healthcare Innovations
This full day event brings together senior NHS and social care professionals with expert industry and academic technology innovators to explore how new technologies in sensing, imaging and the Internet of Things (IoT) could solve some of the challenges facing the NHS today.
Technology is developing and improving at a tremendous rate and this event will explore how new innovations could be used in the health and social care sector to improve patient care, reduce waste and inefficiencies and streamline processes.
The day will start with plenary speakers outlining health and social care challenges as well as an overview of what technologies are already in use in other sectors that could evolve to suit health and social care challenges.
We will then hear from speakers in sessions covering:
- Hospital estates and buildings including asset management
- Patient safety and care including community care
- Technology in diagnostics including technologies relevant to healthcare
Who should attend?
You will get the most from the day if you are:
- NHS and social care senior staff – including clinical staff, management and policy makers
- Industry technology innovators looking to engage with the health sector in Scotland
- Academic staff from the university and college sector
- Employees of universities or colleges working in innovation and business engagement activities
- Anyone else interested in developing or using sensing, imaging or IoT technologies to introduce additional efficiencies or solve challenges in health and social care environments.
Provisional agenda
09:00 Registration, coffee, exhibitions and networking
10:00 Plenary session
- Prof George Crooks OBE, CEO, Digital Health and Care Institute (formerly Medical Director, NHS 24)
- John Innes, VP Technology Innovation, Leonardo
- Jonathan Cameron, Deputy Director, Digital Health and Care, The Scottish Government
11:00 Coffee, exhibitions and networking
11:45 Session 1: Hospital estates and services
- Mark Sorsa-Leslie, CEO and co-founder, Beringar
- Declan Diver, Founder and Director, Anacail
12:30 Session 2: Patient safety and care
- Speaker to be confirmed
- Martin Izod, Director, Safehinge Primera
13:15 Lunch, exhibitions and networking
14:15 Session 3: Technologies in Diagnostics
- Dr Mario Giardini, Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University of Strathclyde
- Dr Dave Hughes, Founder and CTO, Novosound
- Dr Michele Zagnoni, Chief Scientific Officer, ScreenIn3D Ltd
- Dr Damion Corrigan, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde
15:30 Coffee, networking and close
16:30 Close
Exhibitor spaces
Opportunities are available for companies or organisations to exhibit.
For a cost of £350 + VAT , your exhibition rate includes:
- Table top exhibition space (table, two chairs, single power socket, event WiFi, space for pop up banners behind your exhibition table)
- Two delegate passes to attend the event
- Your organisation’s logo and contact details published in the delegate programme brochure
- Catering and refreshments on the day
Exhibition spaces are limited. Please email lynda.nicolson@censis.org.uk to find out more about exhibitor booking and to reserve your place.
Register, here.