Online Kick Off AMR Innovation Mission UK 2021
Date and Time
15th Oct 2020 | 10:00 - 00:00
online event
This free online event is taking place on Thursday 15th October that will set the scene for a potential Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) mission to the UK in April next year. The event (and mission) is being run by AMR Insights alongside Innovate UK and is being supported by Professor Till Bachmann, Deputy Head of Infection Medicine, University of Edinburgh.
Further information on the virtual event can be found here: https://www.amr-insights.eu/eu-amr-innovation-mission-uk/. According to the organiser the event will focus on: introductions to AMR, AMR hotspots in the UK, international collaboration, teambuilding, pitching of 6 selected AMR companies (from India, Israel, The Netherlands and UK), partnering, next steps to the missions in 2021 and have an extensive Q&A. To date, the organisers have 100 registrations for the kick-off event (50% industry/50% academia, hospitals, governmental bodies).