Innovate UK and Scotland – Health, Social Care and Life Science Open Meeting

Date and Time

26th Nov 2020 | 10:00 - 13:00



Hear about opportunities to work in Scotland with NHS and Social Care Test Beds and grow your business.

This meeting will outline business opportunities to innovate with NHS and Social Care in Scotland- from Covid recovery to Brexit. And it will provide partnership opportunities for companies and NHS Boards/Integrated Joint Boards and stakeholder groups to raise funds and innovate in Test beds.

Hear about:

  • Early Diagnostics and AI- Scotland and UK Reference sites bringing AI Algorithms to the market and NHS Labs Innovation Test beds
  • Accelerated Detection of Disease
  • Social Care- Care Homes to care at home
  • Precision Health and Social Care in Action- Diabetes, Endocrine, Eye Health, Cardiology, Cancer, COPD, Dermatology, Housing and Care, Stroke and Mental Health
  • Funding and Investment opportunities


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