Health Tech Webinar: A COVID-19 Medical Device Case Study

Date and Time

25th Mar 2021 | 15:00 - 16:30


Virtual Event

SME collaboration with SMAS and MDMC

This event, brought to you by the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC) and the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS), will help  SMEs understand the journey they may encounter in having medical devices tested in Scotland.  It will also provide information about the types of support provided by SE, SMAS and MDMC including a COVID-19 case study of 3D swabs from the company Abergower Ltd.

SMAS and MDMC representatives will introduce their business support services and facilities, followed by a panel discussion with Mr Robin Prior, Managing Director of Abergower Ltd, Mr. Jerome Finlayson from SMAS, Prof. Marc Desmulliez, MDMC Project Manager, and Ms. Gillian Macleod from Scottish Enterprise.

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