Supporting Enterprise

One of the most valued assets to Scotland’s life sciences ecosystem is our group of enterprise agencies including Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise and Scottish Development International.  Sitting at the epicentre of the ecosystem, the support, funding and introductions they provide creates game-changing opportunities for life sciences companies every day.


Scottish Enterprise

As one of the key development agencies in Scotland, the role of Scottish Enterprise is to grow the Scottish economy for the benefit of all, helping create more quality jobs and a brighter future.   Specifically, Scottish Enterprise provides initiatives and practical support that encourages more Scottish businesses to trade overseas, increase innovation, access growth funding and invest in people and capital.

Life Sciences companies based in Scotland can access Scottish Enterprise support including:

  • Business Development and Advice
  • Product and Service Development
  • Funding and Grants
  • Exports and International Markets
  • Productivity and Employee engagement

Find out more at Scottish Enterprise


Highlands and Islands Enterprise 

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE ) is the economic and community development agency for the Highlands and Islands, an area that covers half of Scotland’s landmass.  HIE supports the growth of life sciences companies in the fields of human and animal health, marine and natural products, chemical sciences and digital technology based in the Highlands and Islands.  

HIE is well connected to public sector organisations, industry, academic bodies and specialist expert services enabling the right support at the right time.  Working in partnership with local authorities, Business Gateway, Skills Development Scotland and Scottish Development International, HIE offers a full range of products and services to support companies in:

  • Business planning 
  • Product development
  • Financing
  • Skills
  • Growth
  • Exporting


Scottish Development International

Scottish Development International (SDI ) has more than 30 offices around the world with staff ready to help international businesses access the world leading life sciences ecosystem in Scotland.  SDI can support organisations set up and grow in Scotland as well as finding the right innovative products, cutting edge capabilities and world-leading expertise with which to partner.

SDI supports the building of partnerships and collaborations and its global connections provide a powerful business network. With access to both the private and public sector and supply chain companies, SDI connects international businesses to:

  • Industry Partners
  • Academia and Research
  • Public Sector Services

For life sciences companies already based in Scotland’s ecosystem, SDI’s abundance of connections to talented workers across the globe can help companies access skilled workers already considering Scotland as a career destination, get guidance and support on employing international talent and promote your business and jobs internationally.  Find out more about Talent Scotland.


South of Scotland Enterprise

Established by the Scottish Government in recognition of the unique circumstances of the South of Scotland, South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) work with people and businesses in communities right across the region to grow its economy by providing investment, expertise and mentoring.  Set in the context of Scotland’s Economic Strategy, SOSE focuses on creating opportunity, innovation and growth in the region within a context that emphasises the importance of environment and communities.

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