Healthcare Innovation

Innovation Test Beds 

A national network of innovation Test Beds set up by the Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government allow innovative solutions to be tried out in a real-world environment and ensure they are fit for purpose – clinically, financially and operationally – before being brought into wider use in NHS. They extend across Scotland and cover different aspects of NHS care from managing long term conditions, digitising services, exploring health applications to integrating AI and machine learning, and more.

The Health Innovation Assessment Portal 

The Health Innovation Assessment Portal (HIAP) enables prospective providers of innovative products and solutions to engage with NHSScotland at the earliest opportunity. This allows NHSScotland to assess how the solution might support Scotland’s strategic aims, and what the associated costs and benefits would be. You can register your solution via the HIAP website where it will be sent to experienced health care professionals with knowledge and expertise in the relevant area for a preliminary review.

InnoScot Health

InnoScot Health has been working in partnership with NHS Scotland for 20 years to inspire, accelerate, and commercialise impactful healthcare innovations. Working with staff across a range of roles and medical specialties, they have formed seven spin-out companies and brought a range of medical devices, products and technologies to market.

Scottish Health and Industry Partnership

To further strengthen the ability of the sector to innovate and to support Scotland’s NHS and Social Care sector, a new Scottish Health and Industry Partnership will rapidly coordinate work that can benefit both Scotland’s economy and our health and wellbeing priorities. This partnership will accelerate innovation in Scotland to solve real problems in the NHS and Social care, creating jobs and opportunities. This will deliver innovation at scale, maximising regional, academic, and industrial innovation to support delivery of the Scottish Government’s Remobilise, Recover and Redesign Framework for the NHS and Social Care and support economic recovery.

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