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Welcome from Co-Chairs, Dave Tudor of GSK and Scottish Government Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, Paul Wheelhouse MSP

As co-chairs of the Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group (LSS ILG) we are delighted to introduce the new Life Sciences Scotland website and newsletter. These platforms will be the voice of our sector, covering news, events and strategy progression. Most importantly, these spaces will champion Scotland as the location for industry growth.

2017 is an exciting year for the Scottish Life Sciences sector. In February, we launched The Life Science Strategy for Scotland, which aims to increase the industrial turnover of the sector to an ambitious – but most definitely achievable – £8bn by 2025.

Scotland is already among the top three countries worldwide for research productivity and impact – and we’re growing. Between 2010 and 2014, company turnover increased by an impressive 29%, gross value-added by 24% and total employment in companies by 13%. Our work will build on this success.

The strategy has been developed by the Industry Leadership Group at Life Sciences Scotland. It is a collaborative strategy led by industry and supported across Scottish Government and Agencies who are all committed to developing Scotland’s Life Sciences sector.

Working groups have been formed with LSS ILG members and the wider Life Sciences community to plan and coordinate the delivery of real actions to shape the future of our industry.

We encourage everyone to use the website and newsletter as spaces to engage with the whole Life Sciences community. These are your platforms to inspire a more innovative, sustainable, international, connected and growing sector. Together, we can achieve our vision for 2025.


Paul Wheelhouse

Dave Tudor

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