Leadership Master Class Goes Virtual and Thrives
Showing ingenuity, flexibility and resourcefulness, the organisers of a training programme for up-and-coming leaders in Life and Chemical Sciences have adapted a successful face to face format pre-Covid, to an even more successful on-line offering.
The strap line of the Leadership Master Class programme is ‘Inspire others – Improve business performance’, but when restrictions hit, it was the organisers who had to find inspiration of their own.
David McKeran, from matrix Business Growth Consultants explained:
“Five years ago, the Life and Chemical Sciences Manufacturing Group set out to fill a gap in the market, by providing leadership training, specifically designed for key talent in the sector. We quickly developed a successful annual format which included in person classroom and networking sessions, combined with visits to manufacturing facilities, giving participants a unique overall experience.
“Like everyone else, lockdown and the longer-term restrictions put paid to us continuing in that way, so we had to look at how best to convert what we had built up, to a format that could be delivered remotely, equally well, if not better.
“We were acutely aware of the risks of moving online, a method that’s not instinctively engaging for training, something I am sure many of us can testify to. However, I believe we have adapted and enhanced our material and delivery into an even better product than we had before.”
The new look programme, so successful earlier this year that a second cohort is set to commence next month, now has the following elements:
- Five core half-day online Master Class Workshops
- Special interest workshop sessions
- Personal profiling (personality and 360 profile) and individual feedback
- 3 one-to-one coaching sessions
- Presentations from industry speakers
- Access to the learning portal and learning materials
Dave Tudor, Chair of the Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group added:
“I would like to congratulate the design team for their creativity and quick thinking in reshaping this important training product for the industry.
“If we are to meet the ambitious growth targets across both the life and chemical science sectors in Scotland, a strong leadership pipeline is essential, and I believe this highly recommended Masterclass programme is an excellent way to achieve this.
“Being developed by the industry, for the industry, and not only focusing on skills and mentoring, but also providing unique access to, and insights from, those who currently lead the sector, I would encourage anyone wanting to be part of our exciting future to get in touch today!”
In a recent survey of previous participants, almost 90% of those responding confirmed they had either been promoted, given a new role, or taken on new responsibilities since completing the course.
For more information on the programme, contact David McKeran at dmckeran@matrixuk.com or 07831 262118