iCAN Summit 2018 Arrives in Edinburgh
Edinburgh welcomes young people from across the globe at The International Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN) Summit 2018 in support of the scientific community to engage with children on research, medicine, and innovation. An all round excellent opportunity for Scotland with regards to international collaboration and as a means to encourage young people to engage in Life Sciences.
Running from 8 – 13 July, the week-long summit has been organised by the NRS Children’s Network, and will host over 150 delegates.
iCAN is a worldwide consortium of children’s advisory groups working together to provide a voice for children and families in health, medicine, research, and innovation through communication and collaboration. iCAN’s chapters work locally in partnerships with their local children’s hospitals and communities, and collaborate together network-wide to have a global impact. Through youth-led councils, committees and focus groups, they address needs of paediatric clinical research and healthcare, influence state and federal regulations, and advocate for paediatric patients across the globe.
Read more about this here.