| 2 minutes

Ian’s Story – The Future of Healthcare

We are pleased to share with you this short video that tells the story of a possible near future for health and care, in Scotland and elsewhere.

The film centres on the relatable story of a single Scot, Ian, and the care he receives. This care is:

  • It uses data to identify and manage future scenarios.
  • It looks to prevent problems before they arise.
  • It is tailored to Ian’s specific needs, including using genetic profiling.
  • It involves Ian in his own care.

The film also highlights some of Scotland’s assets, strengths, and abilities to contribute towards the future of healthcare globally both as a technology developer and as an R&D location.

It makes clear the opportunities that exist for business to develop new technologies and business models to support health and wellbeing. These include everything from assistive technologies through to personalised nutrition solutions. Scottish companies are already developing many of these today.

The video carries Life Sciences Scotland branding and was developed by our partner Scottish Enterprise as part of their Health for Wealth National Programme which focuses on (1) the digitalisation of health and care, and (2) developing a more effective health and care innovation ecosystem in Scotland that brings together the “triple helix” of clinicians, academia, and industry.

Our ability to realise the future depicted in the film and unlock massive patient benefit is dependent on exploiting these two opportunities. Increased exploitation of digital technologies, coupled with greater levels of innovation and adoption can reduce pressure on the health systems and taxpayers whilst empowering people to live healthier, longer, lives.

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